T he video games trend keep on changing and as a person linked with gaming industry you need to adapt to these trends. The trends which I will share in this article are related to 2017 which means that the importance of these trends cannot be overlooked rather on the contrary your future as a gaming industry professional lies very much on how you cater to these trends.

The Trends: 2017

Covering all the major trends would not be possible for me, however do not worry as I will surely share some of the most major ones with you. The trends are discussed in the headings mentioned below.

The VR Device

The success of Mobile Samsung Gear VR is not hidden from anyone and I very much think that the virtual reality handsets will be well received by the consumers in 2017. I think that the VR trend is the future and virtual reality games will surely be successful in the future. The action plan for any gaming personnel out there is to focus on VR.

The Esports

Though personally I am not a great fan of traditional sport games however it is predicted that sport games will surely get some success in the future. As a gaming professional you need to see how well you can create a sports game and what new features you can add to it. If you really want to develop a multiplayer game then in such a case you need to cushion the broadcasting game from very early stage.

Perpetual Downloadable Content

It is predicted that AAA games with the likes of destiny are likely to service DLC for many years to come. The future characters and experiences in games will be based on AAA content. The AAA content games are the revenue machines of the future. As a game developer you need to see your games as long standing services as opposed to standalone products.

Business Models

As is the case with all industries it is very much possible that the business models will change in the future. The way gaming companies are run and the type of hierarchies that exist in these companies will change. Similarly it is predicted that new kind of marketing strategies will also get surfaced in the future. The key to your success is that you need to go for sustainability which is long term in nature.


Streaming will have a significant impact both in terms of “players’ means to broadcast their play sessions” and also as “distribution methodology for AAA games”. I think that the rise of streaming services and Esports are interconnected as the coverage and content which they provide to each other is very much crystal clear. The streaming trend seems to be the future and it is something that cannot be ignored at all.

The Downloads

It is predicted that the trend of downloading the games from the internet will rise significantly in 2017. People will download games from relevant platforms more as compared to buying them from different stores. Gaming companies will gain more profits from downloads as compared to other available mediums.

Augmented Reality

A trend which will create a serious impact on the gaming industry is that of augmented reality. The trend means that as player you can use the real world in the virtual world of the game. The trend is already very many there and many wonderful games have been produced based on this new trend.

App Development

We live in a time where mobile smartphones and tablets are very much popular. It is very much predicted that coming years will see development of different applications. According to many gaming experts, the future of games is very much in the smartphone application development.

The Promotion of Educational Games

Usually thriller, sports and horror games are produced however it is possible that educational games will be produced in the future. The idea behind these games will be to promote knowledge and education.

To get more information about gaming trends, check out this one by the guardian. The mentioned trends are just a prediction; however such predictions cannot be ignored.